Results for 'Charles B. Harris'

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  1.  24
    The Physician's Responsibility.Harry H. Gordon, Charles B. Moore & Edward Eichner - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (4):33-34.
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    On the Symmetric Enumeration Degrees.Charles M. Harris - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (2):175-204.
    A set A is symmetric enumeration (se-) reducible to a set B (A ≤\sb se B) if A is enumeration reducible to B and \barA is enumeration reducible to \barB. This reducibility gives rise to a degree structure (D\sb se) whose least element is the class of computable sets. We give a classification of ≤\sb se in terms of other standard reducibilities and we show that the natural embedding of the Turing degrees (D\sb T) into the enumeration degrees (D\sb e) (...)
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    Goodness in the enumeration and singleton degrees.Charles M. Harris - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (6):673-691.
    We investigate and extend the notion of a good approximation with respect to the enumeration ${({\mathcal D}_{\rm e})}$ and singleton ${({\mathcal D}_{\rm s})}$ degrees. We refine two results by Griffith, on the inversion of the jump of sets with a good approximation, and we consider the relation between the double jump and index sets, in the context of enumeration reducibility. We study partial order embeddings ${\iota_s}$ and ${\hat{\iota}_s}$ of, respectively, ${{\mathcal D}_{\rm e}}$ and ${{\mathcal D}_{\rm T}}$ (the Turing degrees) into (...)
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    On the jump classes of noncuppable enumeration degrees.Charles M. Harris - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):177 - 197.
    We prove that for every ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{2}^{0}$ enumeration degree b there exists a noncuppable ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{2}^{0}$ degree a > 0 e such that b′ ≤ e a′ and a″ ≤ e b″. This allows us to deduce, from results on the high/low jump hierarchy in the local Turing degrees and the jump preserving properties of the standard embedding l: D T → D e , that there exist ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{2}^{0}$ noncuppable enumeration degrees at every possible—i.e., above low₁—level of the high/low (...)
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Maurice E. Troyer, William T. Lowe, Mario D. Fantini, Jerome Seelig, Charles E. Kozoll, Douglas Ray, Michael H. Miller, John Spiess, William K. Wiener, Harry Dykstra, James B. Wilson, Richard Nelson & Mark Phillips - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (3):159-170.
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    Avoiding uniformity in the Δ 2 0 enumeration degrees.Liliana Badillo & Charles M. Harris - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (9):1355-1379.
    Defining a class of sets to be uniform Δ02 if it is derived from a binary {0,1}{0,1}-valued function f≤TKf≤TK, we show that, for any C⊆DeC⊆De induced by such a class, there exists a high Δ02 degree c which is incomparable with every degree b ϵ Ce \ {0e, 0'e}. We show how this result can be applied to quite general subclasses of the Ershov Hierarchy and we also prove, as a direct corollary, that every nonzero low degree caps with both (...)
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    Enumeration 1-Genericity in the Local Enumeration Degrees. [REVIEW]Liliana Badillo, Charles M. Harris & Mariya I. Soskova - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (4):461-489.
    We discuss a notion of forcing that characterizes enumeration 1-genericity, and we investigate the immunity, lowness, and quasiminimality properties of enumeration 1-generic sets and their degrees. We construct an enumeration operator Δ such that, for any A, the set ΔA is enumeration 1-generic and has the same jump complexity as A. We deduce from this and other recent results from the literature that not only does every degree a bound an enumeration 1-generic degree b such that a'=b', but also that, (...))
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    Scepticisme, Clandestinite et Libre Pensee (review).Harry M. Bracken - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):561-562.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 561-562 [Access article in PDF] Gianni Paganini, Miguel Benítez, and James Dybikowski, editors. Scepticisme, Clandestinité et Libre Pensée. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2002. Pp. 382. Cloth, €60.00. This book consists of papers from two Tables rondes held in Dublin in 1999 on the occasion of the Tenth International Congress on the Enlightenment. The contributors are: Paganini, Benítez, Dybikowski, Alan Charles Kors, (...)
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  9. Top Psychiatrist Failed to Report Drug Income.Gardiner Harris - unknown
    The psychiatrist, Dr. Charles B. Nemeroff of Emory University, is the most prominent example to date in a series of disclosures that is shaking the world of academic medicine and seems likely to force broad changes in the relationships between doctors and drug makers.
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    Learning to Breathe: Five Fragments Against Racism.B. Venkat Mani - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):41-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Learning to BreatheFive Fragments Against RacismB. Venkat Mani (bio)For Dr. JLW, for all Black academics and students1. Air HungerI know you, Derek Chauvin. You may think that we first met on May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis. I was called George Perry Floyd. For you, I was just another Black man, a potential criminal. For me, you were not a police officer, but the knee that stands for racism. You (...)
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    Aristotelismus und Renaissance: in Memoriam Charles B. Schmitt.Charles B. Schmitt & Eckhard Kessler (eds.) - 1988 - Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz.
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    New Perspectives on Renaissance Thought: Essays in the History of Science, Education and Philosophy : in Memory of Charles B. Schmitt.Charles B. Schmitt - 1990 - Bloomsbury Academic.
  13. Cicero Scepticus: a study of the influence of the Academica in the Renaissance.Charles B. Schmitt - 1972 - Martinus Nijhoff.
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    From Conversations to Digital Communication: The Mnemonic Consequences of Consuming and Producing Information via Social Media.Charles B. Stone & Qi Wang - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):774-793.
    Stone & Wang collate the nascent research examining the mnemonic consequences associated with social media use. In particular, they highlight two important factors in understanding how social media use shapes the way individuals and groups remember the past: the type of information (personal vs. public) and the role (producer vs. consumer) individuals undertake when engaging with social media. Stone and Wang investigate those two features in relation to induced forgetting for personal information and false memories/truthiness for public information.
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    Cicero Scepticus: A Study of the Influence of the Academica in the Renaissance.Charles B. Schmitt - 2013 - Springer Verlag.
    As originally planned this volume was meant to cover a somewhat wider scope than, in fact, it has turned out to do. When, in rg68, I initially conceived of preparing it, it was proposed to deal with several aspects of early modern scepticism, in addition to the fortuna of the Academica, and to publish various loosely related pieces under the title of 'Studies in the History of Early Modern Scepticism. ' Thereby, I foresaw that I would exhaust my knowledge of (...)
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    Television and Technical Literacy.Charles B. Crawford - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):279-281.
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    Aristotle and the Renaissance.Charles B. Schmitt - 1983 - Cambridge: Published for Oberlin College by Harvard University Press.
    This cogent essay explores a hitherto unstudied aspect of Renaissance intellectual history and refines our understanding of the impact of Greek philosophy on Western thought. It is generally recognized that Aristotle was a touchstone for the learned world in the Middle Ages. Charles Schmitt shows here that what happened in the following centuries was not a mere continuation of the medieval tradition but a vital new development, influenced by the ideas of this era of ferment. He samples the response (...)
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  18. The rise of the philosophical textbook.Charles B. Schmitt - 1988 - In C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye (eds.), The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 792--804.
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    Richard Rorty.Charles B. Guignon & David R. Hiley (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Arguably the most influential of all contemporary English-speaking philosophers, Richard Rorty has transformed the way many inside and outside philosophy think about the discipline and the traditional ways of practising it. Drawing on a wide range of thinkers from Darwin and James to Quine, Wittgenstein, Heidegger and Derrida, Rorty has injected a bold anti-foundationalist vision into philosophical debate, into discussions in literary theory, communication studies, political theory and education, and, as public intellectual, into national debates about the responsibilities of America (...)
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  20. Perception, thought, and reality.Charles B. Daniels - 1988 - Noûs 22 (3):455-464.
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  21. Hand and eye: The role of craft in R. G. Collingwood's aesthetic theory.Charles B. Fethe - 1982 - British Journal of Aesthetics 22 (1):37-51.
  22. La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia della prima modernità: atti del colloquio internazionale in memoria di Charles B. Schmitt: Padova, 4-6 settembre 2000.Charles B. Schmitt & Gregorio Piaia (eds.) - 2002 - Roma: Antenore.
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  23. The Recovery and Assimilation of Ancient Scepticism in the Renaissance.Charles B. Schmitt - 1972 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 27 (4):363.
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  24. Philippians and Philemon: A Commentary.Charles B. Cousar - 2009
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    An unknown seventeenth-century French translation of sextus empiricus.Charles B. Schmitt - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):69-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 69 in pre-Socratic scholarship. But he does not do justice to the religious mood which pervades the whole poem (a mood which is set by the prologue which casts the whole work into the form of some kind of religious revelation). The prologue is considerably more than a mere literary device, and the poem is more than logic. Generally, Jaeger9 and Guthrie are surely correct in (...)
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    Life Transformed: Meditations on the Christian Scriptures in Light of Buddhist Perspectives.Charles B. Jones & Leo Lefebure - 1990 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 10:278.
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  27. Heidegger's "Authenticity" Revisited.Charles B. Guignon - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (2):321 - 339.
    IN his recent book on Heidegger's concept of authenticity, Eclipse of the Self, Michael Zimmerman points out Heidegger's life-long attempt to link the theoretical-ontological questions of traditional philosophy with the personal-existential issues of everyday life. The aim of grounding the "question of Being" in a deeper, more authentic way of being human is most strikingly evident in Being and Time. There the seemingly most abstract of all metaphysical questions--What is the meaning of Being?--is posed in terms of the most intensely (...)
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  28. Self-deception and interpersonal deception.Charles B. Daniels - 1974 - Personalist 55 (3):244-252.
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    Good' defined in terms of 'better.Charles B. Daniels - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (3):439-444.
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    The effect on extinction responding of stimuli continuously present during conditioning.Charles B. Ferster - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (6):443.
  31. Indeterminism and Acting on Reasons.Charles B. Fethe - 1970 - Dissertation, New York University
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  32. Rationality and Responsibility.Charles B. Fethe - 1972 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):193.
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    Biological fitness in man.Charles B. Goodhart - 1960 - The Eugenics Review 52 (2):83.
  34.  36
    Systematic error in the organization of physical action.Charles B. Walter, Stephan P. Swinnen, Natalia Dounskaia & H. Van Langendonk - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (3):393-422.
    Current views of the control of complex, purposeful movements acknowledge that organizational processes must reconcile multiple concerns. The central priority is of course accomplishing the actor's goal. But in specifying the manner in which this occurs, the action plan must accommodate such factors as the interaction of mechanical forces associated with the motion of a multilinked system (classical mechanics) and, in many cases, intrinsic bias toward preferred movement patterns, characterized by so‐called “coordination dynamics.” The most familiar example of the latter (...)
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  35. Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola and his critique of Aristotle.Charles B. Schmitt - 1970 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:361-361.
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    The principle of selective association of drive stimuli.Charles B. Woodbury & David H. Wilder - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (5):301.
  37.  7
    The social transcript: uncovering library philosophy.Charles B. Osburn - 2009 - Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.
    Echoes of a philosophy -- Strategic considerations -- Cultural evolution -- Communication -- A cultural technology -- Unique function of the library -- Stewardship of the social transcript -- Sounding for the embedded philosophy.
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    Elementary conditions for elemental movement strategies.Charles B. Walter - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):234-235.
  39. John Case e l'aristotelismo nell'Inghilterra del Rinascimento.Charles B. Smith - 1982 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 2 (2):129.
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    Should rapid tests for hiv infection now be mandatory during pregnancy? Global differences in scarcity and a dilemma of technological advance.Charles B. Smith, Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis & Jay A. Jacobson - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):86–103.
    Since testing for HIV infection became possible in 1985, testing of pregnant women has been conducted primarily on a voluntary, ‘opt-in’ basis. Faden, Geller and Powers, Bayer, Wilfert, and McKenna, among others, have suggested that with the development of more reliable testing and more effective therapy to reduce maternal-fetal transmission, testing should become either routine with ‘opt-out’ provisions or mandatory. We ask, in the light of the new rapid tests for HIV, such as OraQuick, and the development of antiretroviral treatment (...)
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    Saving the Differences: Gadamer and Rorty.Charles B. Guignon - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:360 - 367.
    Bernstein's attempt to identify a convergence in the ethical and political implications of the writings of Gadamer and Rorty is found to be inadequate on two counts. First, by accepting the extreme antifoundationalism in Rorty, Bernstein tends to undermine the humanistic ideals he wishes to defend. And, second, the important differences in the conception of history in Gadamer and Rorty are concealed. It is argued that Gadamer's view of 'effective-history' offers a basis for enduring values which would not be possible (...)
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  42.  13
    A study of the sense epithets of Shelley and Keats.Charles B. Bliss - 1899 - Psychological Review 6 (3):332-332.
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    Auctoritates, Repertorium, Dicta, Sententiae, Flores, Thesaurus, and Axiomata: Latin Aristotelian Florilegia in the Renaissance.Charles B. Schmitt - 1985 - In Vivian Nutton, Jutta Kolesh, H. J. Lulofs & Jürgen Wiesner (eds.), Kommentierung, Überlieferung, Nachleben. De Gruyter. pp. 515-537.
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    Theory of double, triple, and quadruple repetition.Charles B. Woodbury - 1951 - Psychological Review 58 (1):18-29.
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    Belief Revision, Non-Monotonic Reasoning, and the Ramsey Test.Charles B. Cross - 1990 - In Kyburg Henry E. , Loui Ronald P. & Carlson Greg N. (eds.), Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 223--244.
    Peter Gärdenfors has proved (Philosophical Review, 1986) that the Ramsey rule and the methodologically conservative Preservation principle are incompatible given innocuous-looking background assumptions about belief revision. Gärdenfors gives up the Ramsey rule; I argue for preserving the Ramsey rule and interpret Gärdenfors's theorem as showing that no rational belief-reviser can avoid reasoning nonmonotonically. I argue against the Preservation principle and show that counterexamples to it always involve nonmonotonic reasoning. I then construct a new formal model of belief revision that does (...)
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    Ought we Prevent Preventable Evils?Charles B. Daniels - 2006 - Disputatio 1 (20):1 - 12.
    In Practical Ethics Peter Singer argues for an ‘obligation to assist’: First premise: If we can prevent something bad without sacrificing anything of comparable significance, we ought to do it. Second premise: Absolute poverty is bad. Third premise: There is some absolute poverty we can prevent without sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance. Conclusion: We ought to prevent some absolute poverty. This paper is dedicated to a criticism of four readings of the first premise and an undesirable link the first (...)
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  47.  39
    The propositional objects of mental attitudes.Charles B. Daniels - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 19 (3):317 - 342.
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    The search for meaningful existence.Charles B. Ketcham - 1968 - New York,: Weybright & Talley.
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    Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors and the mechanism of action of antidepressants.Charles B. Smith & Thomas C. Zelnik - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):559.
  50.  35
    A new psychobiological theory of attachment: Primum non nocere.Charles B. Nemeroff & Sherryl H. Goodman - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):520-521.
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